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Top 6 Common Dating Mistakes Women Make
Submission must be earned
The Cosmic Law of Attraction

Boycotting is not enough: elimination of the culprits is the only way to go.

Ref: “The Prince”.

It is of no use to fight feminism because it is an ideology. Their supporters are the ones that we need to get rid of.

You are correct. “Cyber War” is just that – an imaginary, ephemeral “war” that fades into oblivion when the latest outrage flares up.

It is the quintessential Bimbo Eruption – MRM style. Who cares (now) about Octomom, Gulf Oil Spill – even St. Gabby Giffords – now that we have a NEW n’ Exciting! ™ Outrage in the 24 hour cable news cycle.

Here’s what a Thinking Man does NOT do:

Keyster January 29, 2011 at 09:21

If children are doing any reading “in the future” it’ll be from a computer screen and not something refferred to as a “book”. Barnes and Noble has bankruptcy written all over it.

Not if the little Government-Educated darlings must by those Oprah books specified in their syllabuses.

As a middle aged single man I’m used to* being leered at by parents anywhere there are children.

*Enjoy that sweet, MRM smell of activist victory. It’s called acceptance aka complacency.

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